Customer Support Skills

10 Essential Customer Support Skills Every Representative Needs to Succeed

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A good customer support representative has tremendous patience. Patience can help with time management, better communication skills, and combat irate customers. A patient representative can help alleviate irate customers by making them feel heard, understood, and can get to the resolution quicker. Customers calling with an issue, may already be a little elevated or annoyed, and a good rep knows that great service doesn’t always mean fast service. They can slow down, calm them down and solve their problem. 


Persuasive conversation doesn’t just mean making the sale. Persuasion means speaking with conviction, confidence, and in a poised manner. Using calm, professional language can help instill trust between the customer and the rep. Avoiding slang words and casual language helps to sound more professional and will increase the ability to persuade a customer one way or another. A good customer support representative can upsell a customer in a way that solves their problem in an even better way, not a forceful way. 

Great Communication Skills

Great communication skills go beyond being able to talk on the phone. Communication includes speaking in a way that is not confusing or disrespectful to a customer. It also involves listening fully so you can understand what they are saying right out the gate and get to the root of the problem efficiently. What you say as the representative matters and needs to be as clear and precise as possible. This includes avoiding certain words or phrases that may be misconstrued. Avoid using phrases like “that service will be included in your final bill” because sometimes included indicates no extra charge, when actually you mean those are the services that they will pay for at the end. Being able to carry a conversation is a good skill to have, but more importantly, speaking in clear, concise language is key to good communication.

Industry Knowledge

Industry knowledge in customer service is very important for outsourced BDCs, but especially important in the automotive industry. These customer interactions will require a lot of knowledge regarding vehicle maintenance and specs. The best customer service professionals have gathered extensive knowledge of the product or service they are dealing with. Without knowing about the automotive industry, car dealerships, and common car issues, an automotive business development center will not be able to solve customer issues as quickly as possible. Granted, some industry knowledge comes with years of experience, but it’s amazing how much a service suggestion, or suggested model based on their current car could wow a customer. 


Being able to be flexible in any situation, and adjust trajectory quickly is crucial to maintaining that good client to representative communication. Some people may say adaptability is one of the most important skills a good customer support rep should have. A change in attitude from the customer or an unsatisfied customer can make things feel awkward in a split second. Adaptability means staying on your toes and being able to change the course of the conversation or issue immediately, and seamlessly. 


As mentioned, along with good communication, being able to understand the client can set the entire tone of the interaction with them. Part of understanding the customer is making sure you acknowledge them. Saying “I completely understand” is important, but only if you really do. Try repeating back what they said to make sure you understand completely, instead of just assuming you do – maybe they don’t have the same communication skills that you do, and it’s important to get to that point where you both acknowledge the understanding. 

Goal-Oriented Mindset

In automotive customer support, not every interaction will be a customer with a problem. Sometimes the rep is reaching out to the customer to sell services, or schedule appointments, or just ask how their service has been thus far. No matter if the call is inbound or outbound, it’s good to go into it every time with a goal-oriented mindset. The goal is to leave a satisfied customer, every time. Plus, goal-oriented people tend to be more driven and competitive – both great qualities to have in your customer support team. 

Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is defined as the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. Representatives possessing emotional intelligence can carry themselves professionally no matter what comes their way. They know who they are, what they want, and what their intentions are. They know not to take things personally with irritated customers, and can be in complete control of how they represent themselves and the company. 

Positive Influence & Attitude

Maintaining a positive attitude is a given when it comes to customer service. An angry customer service agent is going to leave an angry customer and won’t take them very far. In addition to that, the ability to communicate with positive language, rather than negative can drive the conversations in the right direction, and it’s easy as switching a few different ways of saying things. For example, saying “I can’t get you that product until next month; it is back-ordered and unavailable at this time,” sounds negative. Instead, saying “That product will be available next month. I can place the order for you right now and make sure that it is sent to you as soon as it reaches our warehouse.” Using positive language sounds much more professional and considers the customer’s feelings. 


We touched on empathy a bit when talking about understanding and acknowledging the customer. Displaying empathy with a customer not only proves to them you truly care, but it can turn a bad situation around if the conversation ends with acknowledging the customer’s feelings, and getting to a resolution. Customers that are buying a car, or have recently bought a car have made a very emotional purchase. There were probably ups and downs, but inevitably a positive note when they purchase a vehicle. Imagine something happening a few weeks after their new car was purchased, which makes them very upset and the representative cannot relate. Actively feeling empathy with a customer can be the difference between a negative and positive customer experience. 

Customer Traac knows what it takes to build a proper team that helps your dealership not only succeed, but thrive in the industry. Our team of experts possesses the qualities it takes to properly nurture clients in this industry. Request a proposal, or contact us here.

Increase Customer Satisfaction

How Having a Call Management Team Can Help Dramatically Increase Customer Satisfaction

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It has been said that acquiring a new customer is up to five times as costly as retaining an existing customer. Yikes! Those expenses take into account the time and energy spent by staff to acquire new business, but also the actual costs of ads and marketing expenses to get those new customers. Customer loyalty and retention is easier and more cost-effective than many customer acquisition efforts. A lot of customer satisfaction is going to come directly from how they interact with your company through customer service and phone calls, which should be held to high regard if you want to maintain a successful business. 

So, how can having a call management team dramatically increase your customer satisfaction?

Eliminating Missed and Dropped Calls

A call management center can alleviate pressure during seasons of high call volumes. Dropped calls or being put on hold are an immediate no-no if you are trying to maintain positive customer feedback. A fully-staffed, dedicated team can ensure no calls are missed, dropped, or put on hold for long periods of time. 

In a time where we can get information in literal seconds, nobody has time to wait around for someone to answer the phone, let alone be put on hold for any amount of time. We need fast responses, and even faster resolutions. The bar is very high for customer service these days and one bad call can lead to a poor review, and lost business. 

In-house customer service teams can fail at this sometimes because they are first of all, much smaller than a call management center, or business development center, but they also work within constrained hours. A call management team should be able to accurately plan for call volumes and coverage. Data analysis can help with what to expect for calls based on time of day, peak seasons throughout the year, and any sales, specials, events, or issues that arise. Teams like Customer Traac can have someone on hand at any given time to answer any number of calls – no matter if someone called in sick or took a long lunch. Alleviating these dropped calls is the first order of business and an obvious need that a call management team can resolve. 

Focusing on Customer Outreach and Marketing Efforts

A call management center, or business development centers like Customer Traac, can assist in marketing efforts that in-house customer service reps don’t often tackle. Cold calling is not a tactic that necessarily improves customer satisfaction, in fact I think most people hate it, but outbound marketing campaigns for existing customers can be a huge business driver. Customers who have purchased a product or service from your company, but never came back are an opportunity to call and remind them of upcoming service dates, or upgrade offers and sales. In the automotive world, customer service teams can track data that spans the life cycle of the customer’s car and knows when it’s a good time to get maintenance, or simply trade it in for the upgraded model. 

Customers want to feel cared for, and tending to their specific needs with outbound calls that are personalized can boost customer satisfaction, even if they don’t decide to forego a purchase or upgrade. Now with text reminders becoming more and more popular, it’s a great way to get the word out to customers while also making it easy for them to unsubscribe if they desire. However, keeping them up to date on service reminders can help get the stress of worrying about it on their own, off their plate. 

Offering Loyalty Programs and Other Incentives

The sales team of your company may offer incentive programs or continuing loyalty programs for customer retention. They may only have that initial interaction with a customer, and either gain that customer’s loyalty, or they don’t – the moment is over. Call teams, however, can continually offer new and improved incentives to customers whenever they have their attention. Maybe, a customer never even heard about the incentives before now, and a call center rep can be very specific to the customer’s location and type of product they have – giving them a truly catered experience and offering. A customer wants a good deal, and if all it takes is signing up for a free, no-obligation loyalty program in order to get first dibs on sales, they’re likely to take that opportunity! 

Gathering Direct Customer Feedback

If you’ve ever been on either end of a customer phone call, you know about anonymous customer feedback surveys. They are generally at the end of the call and prompts the customer to answer questions via the keypad for 60 seconds or so. This feedback is then used to better processes and service to customers. 

While interacting with a customer, a call management team can get real-time customer feedback. Sometimes it’s negative, right out the gate, which can then be used to ensure that never happens again. The same goes for positive customer feedback via word of mouth, surveys, or online reviews that help continue moving the needle in the right direction. It never hurts to ask a customer who had a good exchange to leave a review on Google business page. Google reviews are one of the very first impressions your company can give, and it’s super important to gather and maintain those good reviews. Showcasing your customer satisfaction can be the best thing for you. Those poor reviews and poor customer satisfaction surveys should be used as leverage to better your company and team overall. Never let it get you down – use it to make sure every customer has a better experience!

Customer Traac knows that fast response time, diligent follow-up calls, scheduling, and more efficient call volume management are all ways that customer satisfaction can increase when it comes to customer service.

Get started now

Customer Relationship Management Strategies

Why You Shouldn’t Wait Any Longer to Improve Your Client Relationship Management

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As Bob Dylan said, the times they are-a-changin’, and they change faster and faster every year. Customer trends and ideals can change year over year, and using the same old CRM strategies can hurt your business. CRM, or client relationship management, is the approach companies use to communicate with current or potential clients. These systems need to be on par with what customers expect out of businesses.

The Microsoft 2017 State of Global Customer Service survey polled 5,000 people from six of the largest countries in the world to find out what they thought about customer service, globally. As advances in technology and online presence march forward, customers have higher expectations than ever. Of the respondents, 54% said they had higher expectations for customer service at the time of the survey, than they did the year prior. This number rises to 66% if you include only respondents aged 18-34. The youth are the future! Their opinions on the matter involve more and more technology, and this means old CRM methods can bring a business down. 

The top three reasons CRMs fail include lack of user-adoption, thinking its strictly technology related, and having a lack of vision or insight. These problems, if left unresolved, can completely crash the new or existing CRM system, and reflect very poorly against your business. It’s important to address these right away. 

When Employees Push Back on New Systems

One of the root causes of failed client relationship management systems is low rate of adoption from managers or employees. This fear of change can cause many companies to put off making these updates for months, years, or they may never get the chance. So, before jumping into a new CRM, first, it’s important to get a team dedicated to making the change. They can be within the company, or hired. They can plan out the new system in a way that best fits your company’s needs. CRMs aren’t always a one size fits all, and it’s good to acknowledge that first, instead of when it’s already implemented and too late. 

There are ways to prevent this push back. Bringing in end users and professional designers to curate the perfect CRM for you can help alleviate the fear of learning something outside of everyone’s scope. You can also start training practices very early on, and have a well laid out plan of training that will alleviate stress and pressure on employees and managers reluctant to change. The further ahead of it you can get, the better. This is why we are saying you should not wait any longer to improve upon your client relationship management systems and processes. 

We Don’t Need Another New Technology

Now, this isn’t always a full system upgrade type situation. CRMs can be non-technical approaches to client and customer relationships. Depending on your business, a technical update may not be the answer to all your problems. This may just be staying up with trends, and improving upon existing processes. Technology alone is not the end-all-be-all to improve upon client relationships. The right people, processes, and goals have to be set in motion – combined with the right technologies, to tap into your CRM’s full potential. 

Not Fully Understanding the Objective

One of the biggest mistakes companies make, related and unrelated to CRMs, is having a lack of vision. When a system or process is not properly aligned with the right goals and targets, it lacks organization and can easily fall right off the tracks. Your relationships with your clients should be flexible, adaptable, but also have the same end goal amongst all employees, across the board. CRMs are designed to be flexible, easy to implement, and can be used in a wide range of industries. Without a clear vision of what you want to accomplish for the business, can lead to a lack of focus, communication, and cohesion amongst the team. Before venturing out and implementing improvements to an existing CRM, make sure employees fully grasp the concept of the improvements and why it’s important. The more specific you can be and the more employees understand how an improved CRM can positively improve their daily work and KPIs, the more successful they can be as employees, and the overall business. 

Customer Traac has a very clear vision of their processes, and what it takes to implement a proper CRM plan and process. We stay up to date on industry trends and news, and love helping businesses get or stay on track. 

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Outbound Calling Campaigns

Why Outbound Calling Campaigns May Be the Secret to Increasing Your Service Department’s Sales

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Continuing the conversation with existing customers is key to maintaining that relationship and customer retention.

Outbound campaigns can be highly effective for improving your service department’s sales in that it puts the power back in the hands of the dealership. Online and print advertisements promoting service specials leaves the decision making to the customer, who may not take the initiative to call the dealership to schedule. There is major opportunity for outbound campaigns within our service department. These are sometimes overlooked by the sales team, and could be better handled by a well-trained business development center. 

Recent Website Leads

Leads that come in through your website via forms are the best gift you can get. These leads are customers that are actually interested in working with you and need to be captured. Many salespeople may follow up on these leads with the email or phone number the customer left, but if they play phone tag or don’t get a response in a week or two, those leads end up forgotten. Chances are, customers who are reaching out via your website are early in their search for a vehicle, and their options are open. Being a resource for them by taking the initiative to reach out, answer their questions, and be their support can put you above the rest. 

If a customer left a voicemail or a phone number, call them back around the time the voicemail was left. That may be the time of day when they are free at work or are available to accept calls. If you don’t reach them the first time, try a call just outside of work hours between 4 and 5 pm, or earlier around lunch time. If someone reached out recently they may be expecting the call and will be happy you reached out! It can sometimes be forgotten how much people want a warm voice over the phone. It gives a personal touch in a world that is so much online and impersonal. 

Those with Vehicle Equity

A good Business Development Center will have a vehicle equity calculator that can effectively track timelines of vehicles purchased within their dealership, and pair that with ones that have left the lot. The amount of years owned, miles driven, and the make or model all determine a vehicles equity. Following up with these customers can sometimes lead to an upgraded purchase, or a service scheduling. If the customer’s car is worth a certain amount that selling it is a good option, you can help guide them through the trade-in process and get them into an upgraded vehicle in no time. If that is not what they want, you can offer service incentives and, when the time comes, incentives for when they do want to purchase a new vehicle, to do it through your dealership. 

Customers who Bought but Never Came Back

After a customer buys a car, the sales team should follow up soon after and ensure satisfaction and answer any questions or concerns the customers have after their purchase. Setting a schedule to follow-up after 1, 3, 6 months with customers who bought a car from the dealership can be some of the most effective outbound marketing you can do. There is one thing they absolutely need with their car, and that is service maintenance. Reaching out to customers who bought a car through your dealership but didn’t utilize the services are an incredible opportunity. It’s possible these customers aren’t even aware of the service incentives through the dealership and just need a helping hand to get in there and get their regular scheduled maintenance by the people who know their car in and out.  

Customers who Visited Over 6 Months Ago

Run an inquiry of all your customers you saw six months ago or more and begin an outbound campaign offering a deal off service if they come in during the next six months. Chances are they either haven’t serviced their vehicle, or they went to a different shop. Some good time to run these campaigns are right before winter, when people want to winterize their cars, and before summer when people take road trips and take more vacations. These incentives can reignite a desire to come back to your dealership if they were happy to purchase from you, they may be just as intrigued to come back for service. These campaigns are great for customer retention! 

Customer who Recently Received Service

Customers who were just in for service should get a follow-up call within seven days and you can ask if they were satisfied with the service, and how their car is running overall. This can be a good opportunity to schedule their next service appointment ahead of time, like oil changes and tire rotations. You can also catalog makes, models, years, and mileage of their vehicle and discuss their plans down the road when it comes to their vehicle. Future incentives can be put in place in terms of their future resale value if they continue to get service through your dealership, and then an eventual trade-in when their car is paid off, or has reached a certain amount of miles. 

Outbound campaigning for existing customers is one of the most important tools to use to increase sales and improve customer satisfaction. The biggest thing going for you is that the customer already used your service to purchase their vehicle, and that instilled a trust and like within your business from the start. Customers want to feel important, and cared for, and maintaining that relationship with them throughout the weeks, months, and years after they’ve worked with you can significantly improve your service department’s sales, and dealership reputation overall. 

Business Development Centers like Customer Traac ensure your customers never go without a follow-up call, email, or a pre-scheduled service. On top of service appointments and sales equity mining, our team of professionals can work with your dealership to create custom outbound campaigns based on current or future sales trends, and continual support to retain customers. Contact a member of the Customer Traac team to learn more about how we can help your dealership reach their profit goals!

Becoming a customer-focused organization

10 Tips for Becoming a Customer-Focused Organization

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You’ve likely heard that “customer-focused” businesses are more successful because they focus completely on their client relationships and client satisfaction. But that’s only part the story. In full, a customer-focused business fosters a company culture of its own that is solely dedicated to enhancing the customer experience through relationships and customer service. These organizations not only practice what they preach but proactively seek to hire talent that is empathetic, patient, and easy to talk to. They focus more on the customer experience and the various touch points their brand has with a customer at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Becoming a customer-focused organization can be the true key to running a successful, and profitable, business. Interested in learning more? Here are 10 things a company should do to become or maintain a good customer-focused organization.

Know Your Customer

To fully serve your customers, and your business, you need to know who they are, what they want, and how to get it to them. Market research is a great way to determine you overall strategy. Running data to find out demographics, locations, and spending habits of your customers is good, but getting it straight from the source will be your key to success. Gaining personal insights right from the customer will give you something research never can. Ask them questions, send out surveys, read their reviews and questions—and develop a customer profile you can divide into more specific segments to target more granularly.

Figure Out Their Challenge and Solve for it

Figuring out the shared problem your target customer has and solving it will build a good business model. A niche problem can help focus what and how you deliver a solution to your customers. For example, Customer Traac knows that dealerships have problems maintaining high volume inbound calls, appointment scheduling, and service follow-up. That niche allows us to focus on the customer’s problem and solve it. Trying to provide solutions for every possible challenge a customer may be experiencing will make it difficult to get good at one thing.

Build Trust with Your Customers

If your customers don’t trust you, they won’t stick around. They may even prevent others from coming to you with their challenges. Some ways to build trust amongst your customers are:

  • Solving their problem before they become more frustrated
  • Gaining immediate feedback from customers and making them feel like you care and they are part of the process
  • Being present when they leave comments and reviews—be appreciative and helpful

When customers see their problems are not only being solved, but any issues they’ve voiced have been used to better the business, they feel appreciated. This gains their trust and, hopefully, long-term loyalty.

Keep Up with Your Industry

Industries like tech, healthcare, and automotive are ever-changing. It seems as though they are on to the next big thing before you can fully utilize the last one. Keeping up to date with industry trends and changes is crucial to getting ahead of the curve when it comes to solving your customers’ future problems. Knowing what to expect down the line with industry changes and problems, is going to be beneficial to you and your clients. And they will be shocked to learn you solved their problem before they can even asked for the fix.

Utilize Customer Feedback

Customer reviews and feedback are a GOOD THING. You should actually want and crave their feedback. In a customer-focused organization, seeing good numbers on your sales reports doesn’t matter as much as how your customers are feeling and how satisfied they are. Interacting with a customer personally, asking for their feedback, is the best way to learn how to improve your business. Check reviews on Yelp, Google, and other review sites on a frequent basis. And don’t forget to view the negative reviews as opportunities, not failures!

Tie Your Customers into Your Brand

Your brand should represent your customer. One way to do this is to develop brand advocates. These are customers who love your services or have had great experiences with you, and may be willing to advocate for you to others. After all, most consumers say they would trust a recommendation from a family member or friend over any other advertising. So, don’t miss out on this free marketing! Some ways to use customers in your branding are:

  • Social media – Utilize tags and hashtags to find people who are talking about you and share their posts. People love to see their posts shared by the brands they love (and follow).
  • Videos – Some companies have even compiled videos of real customer reviews or social posts into marketing videos for their business. It makes your customer feel like they are part of the team, and what they say matters.
  • Website Testimonials – Pull your five-star reviews onto your website so prospective customers can see for themselves what kind of customer experience they can expect from your business.

Customer Experience is Key

From the beginning to the end of your customer interaction, they should feel cared for, happy with the service, and be having a good time! Putting personality into the customer experience is a huge difference between a customer who will come back, and one who won’t. Send thoughtful and engaging email campaigns, post interactive social media updates, and when you’re on the phone with them be cheerful, helpful, and personable. Going above and beyond with your customer service can increase customer satisfaction tenfold.

Also, for those rare instances when someone isn’t happy, make sure your employees know how to remain poised and calm. The customer who is upset may become one of your best ambassadors if they are treated with respect and care, and their problem is solved.

Continually Improve Products and Processes

A mentality of “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” doesn’t really work for your customer-focused business. You should always be striving to improve your process, no matter what. The goal should always be to achieve 100% customer satisfaction. Of course, there is always room for growth. So, try new tactics, switch up your customer conversations, and considering trying new methods to motivate and encourage employees. Never settle, even when things are good. A successful company is always looking for and trying to achieve the next best thing.

Be Proactive

Be proactive in everything you do. Send follow-up emails, SMS text messages, or call customers from time-to-time to make sure your relationship stays strong. Be proactive in solving their problems and knowing what they want before they even ask. For example, you can proactively call recent car buyers a few months after delivery to offer them a special on their first oil change. Customers will appreciate that you remembered them and are more likely to return to your dealership’s service bay for future maintenance if they have a great experience.

Invest in Your Employees

Finally, the heart and soul of your customer-focused organization is your customer service team. To get good people, you need to treat your current team well. Invest in their well-being and encourage growth through coaching, mentoring, and upskilling opportunities. Making your employees feel wanted, needed, and cared for is the highest motivator and will encourage them to give the best customer service they can. If you feel good, you perform better. That’s why the first step towards generating satisfied customers is to manage satisfied and engaged employees.

These tips apply to everyone from the top to the bottom of the organization. And, if they are followed, a company is sure to be set up for success. Becoming a customer-focused organization will require you to be mindful, respectful, and proactive. Put the customer first to gain their trust—and increase your growth.

If you enjoyed this article, check out “Dealership Customer Service in a Post-Covid World.” And if you would like to learn more about how Customer Traac partners with dealerships to improve performance and profitability, contact us today.

Instead of having your service advisors answer the phone, let them work with in-person customers

The Problem With Having Your Service Advisors Answer the Phone

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A service advisor at a dealership is a liaison between customers and the service technicians. They determine customer’s needs when it comes to vehicle issues, repairs, and scheduling. Which means they can almost fall into more of a sales role than customer service. However, a lot of things can fall through the cracks of their busy schedule that can both negatively impact the customer experience and miss revenue generation opportunities for the dealership. So let’s dig into why having your service advisors answer the phone could be costing your dealership instead of helping it grow.

Inbound Calls Stack Up

The service advisor’s day fills up with several things they do that are crucial to the business of the dealership. They have to build and maintain trustworthy relationships with the dealership customers, communicate repairs to the customer, sell the auto shop’s services, all while ensuring safe, reliable vehicles to their customers. This may require time on the phone, moments away from their computer, walking about, and if they are the only service advisor, that’s a lot of calls for one person! Which begs the question, if they are on the phone all day, then who is talking to your customers who are at the dealership waiting for service?

Long Call Wait Times

Being put on hold is probably one of the worst parts about calling any business. A Google Consumer Survey conducted by Arise Virtual Solutions asked 1,500 consumers how long they were willing to wait before hanging up on a customer service agent. 13% of respondents said that there was no acceptable hold time, with closer to 60% of respondents stating they were willing to wait 2 minutes or less before hanging up.

These results may not reveal any new information, but it reiterates the importance of short wait time on customer service calls. One service advisor might have to put a lot of people on hold throughout the day, or even miss some calls if they are servicing on the floor or helping other customers. A back-up plan for when call volume is high or when service advisors are unavailable, like an automotive BDC, is a great way to mitigate the impact of long hold times and ensure every call is answered.

Appointment Schedule is Empty – or Too Full!

Pre-scheduling service appointments for customers is the duty of the service advisor—to upsell services and keep them driving safely. It’s important to map out the customer’s entire service journey throughout the time they are going to have the vehicle, so that requires some time and due diligence to keep that calendar full. A calendar that is TOO full, however, is not going to spread out the work and it can get gummed up – leaving fully booked weeks in conjunction with empty weeks. BDCs can help alleviate that issue by being extremely proactive about appointment scheduling.

Inefficient Work Flow

Piggybacking off of scheduling issues, keeping a steady workflow at the dealership is important to customer and employee satisfaction. An outsourced BDC, though not in the office, can help alleviate this unbalance in workflow by doing all of the above. They can schedule appropriately, encourage customers to plan ahead, and keep call volume steady by spreading it out across the day—allowing ample time to communicate with the service advisors throughout the day if need be.

Stop having your service advisors answer the phone and start letting them be a customer liaison that will improve the customer experience and drive revenue. Customer Traac can handle the calls and scheduling that keeps your dealership running smoothly. Help out your service team and give us a call today!

Interested in reading more about automotive BDCs? Check out this article.

Outsourced Business Development

Outsourcing Your Business Development Center: Pros & Cons

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Are you thinking about outsourcing your Business Development Center? Needless to say, outsourced business development has strong pros, as well as some potential drawbacks you should be aware of. That’s why we’ve curated a list of “pros and cons” to help you decide what’s best for you and your dealership.


Business Control Overhead

Outsourcing a BDC means you are hiring their team, for a contract, and a flat rate. A dealership’s labor expense can be one of their highest after accounting for taxes, vacation, bonuses, insurance, office space, personnel support, office supplies—you name it! Not to mention the time and money allocated to recruit, train, and retain employees. By outsourcing, you are able to control overhead and maintain a steadfast budget. Any changes to their internal structure or team is not on the dealership, and your service agreement remains the same.

Access Greater Talent For Your Business

An in-house BDC is limited to a few people, given space and salary requirements. Companies like Customer Traac, who focus on customer service for dealerships, are going to have dozens of people dedicated to your cause, whose talent and expertise goes leaps and bounds beyond the capabilities of hiring internally. You will always have more than one person focusing on your business and providing top tier customer service.

Outsourced Business Development

Don’t Have to Expand Business Space

Business Development Departments can produce a lot of noise—making phone calls, receiving phone calls, etc. and would require their own space. We all know moving can be a hassle, especially in an office setting. There is no need to make room for offices, or desks when outsourcing your BDC.

Streamlining Customer Service

Having a team devoted 100% to the customer service of your dealership not only streamlines customer service, but improves it tenfold. Call wait times will decrease, appointment scheduling will be proactive and timely, and service managers and other employees can focus on what they do best.

Outsourced Business Development


BDC Outsourcing Is Expensive

Although a BDC can save you money by decreasing overhead costs, it doesn’t mean it’s cheap. A contract with a business development center can depend on a number of things, especially for those that charge incentive fees. Watch out for BDCs looking for extra compensation based on sales. The cost-effectiveness of the service can sometimes waver, so choose your BDC wisely. And remember, a BDC should be a revenue center, not a cost center.

Employees Outside of Your Company

You may not be able to take part in the selection process of the people dealing with your customers and representing your brand. This means putting your trust in people who your dealership didn’t hire directly. It’s important to develop a good relationship with your BDC managers right off the bat, and feel comfortable utilizing their employees for your services. This can be difficult (but not impossible) for some managers.

Negative Impact on Company Culture

Having members of your team outside the organization could impact company culture by not being able to get to know the outsourced team. An in-house team can focus on getting to know each other on a more intimate level. However, through regular communication and account check-ins with your outsourced BDC, you can develop a relationship built on trust that rivals those of colleagues you see every day.

In Conclusion…

Outsourcing your to a BDC might make you worry about communicating with the team. But there is a team of people you can communicate with via email or phone.

Customer Traac ensures there are no communication snags. By keeping one point of contact, you can streamline communication with your BDC. Which saves you time and increases our effectiveness. That’s how we help dealerships focus on what they do best, and they trust us to do the same.

Learn more about Customer Traac’s automotive BDC solutions today.

Pleasant call service experience with customer traac

How Phone Presence Can Increase Customer Satisfaction and Retention

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In a time where we have access to fast, endless information at our fingertips at any given moment, people don’t have time to waste. People’s expectations are high for how information is shared and received. When it comes to user experience over the phone, people want efficiency and ease. They also want to feel cared for. The #1 way a company can prove they care is by having kind and quick responses to customers – giving them a resolution in a matter of minutes.

So how exactly can phone presence improve customer satisfaction and keep them coming back for more?

Long Waits and Dropped Calls Reduce Customer Satisfaction

improving customer satisfaction with phone serviceHow many times have you had a friend or family member tell you about a terrible customer service experience they had? Probably a lot. People tend to share bad experiences more than good when it comes to customer service. They want to help save people from having a similar bad experience.

Having a call center that puts people on hold right away, or drops calls, is fueling that negative fire and customers won’t come back. A survey conducted by Velaro showed that most people are not willing to wait on hold for even a minute, if that. The infographic to the right shows that a whopping 90% of people surveyed had a limit to how long they would wait. In fact, 32.3% said they wouldn’t wait at all. If they receive no answer or get put on hold they would hang up. These numbers are huge and that’s bad news for customer retention.

Making sure every call is picked up is the first step. If you absolutely have to put someone on hold, ask them kindly first, and if they say no try to resolve their problem as quickly as possible. Offering a call-back service is something people are willing to accept. This can be done with a person, or there are automated services that will give that option in the menu as well. Having a well-organized plan as well can help avoid long wait times, and dropped calls.

Quickly Converting Calls to Appointments Boosts Customer Satisfaction

Improve customer satisfaction by converting calls to appointmentsA customer wants to get all their issues resolved in one fell swoop. Treating a customer service call as an opportunity for future appointments and sales is the way to achieve customer retention. In the case of service calls at dealerships, when a customer calls in, it’s possible to schedule out their maintenance a full year in advance. Not only does this free up future calls, but the customer feels cared for, and that they received great service. They know they don’t have to follow-up in the future, or receive any calls for appointment reminders. Everything is done then and there.

A customer calling in with one question, may not actually know everything they need. It is the job of the agent to listen and resolve a problem but also educate and leave the customer feeling more informed than when they called. This gives the opportunity to upsell, schedule future times, offering call back service and text reminders.

When Customers Feel Cared For, Their Satisfaction Goes Up

Improve customer satisfaction by making your customers feel cared forThere is one thing to simply help a customer resolve the issue they had, it’s another to curate the conversation in a way that wows the customer. Like many of us, I’m sure when we are setting up to call a company’s customer service team, we may not be overly excited. There’s no guarantee good service will be received, so expectations may be pretty low if it’s their first call. Take advantage of those expectations and blow them out of the water.

A customer wants to feel cared for, which means going above and beyond a simple Q & A. Offer more information, more knowledge, ask if they know about all the services offered. Some of this may seem obvious, but it’s important to pivot a way of thinking towards the customer being tended to beyond the scope of the call, and not just being nice and helpful to them.

Improving Customer Satisfaction Requires Keeping Up with a Fast-Paced World

The infographic at the start of this article is a few years old, and though the basic stats are still very relevant, time and technology continue to speed up. More and more companies offer chat or text options for customer service. This is pretty in line with how people talk less on the phone, and more than ever via text or social media. With everything being accessible super quickly, and right from our phones, customer service speeds are expected to be just as fast and just as efficient. It’s crucial to be able to face the fact that people don’t want to waste time, as it shows by so many people not willing to be put on hold.

Having solid customer service means getting to the point, answering the question, informing the customer and having that entire call be under 5 minutes flat. Offering text reminders, and call-back service rather than being put on hold are going to become the norm and will be the minimum expectation people have in all future correspondence. Keep it short and sweet!

Service success, it begins with a call.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

Why does having a strong phone presence improve customer satisfaction?

As a customer, there’s nothing worse than getting put on hold when you need to get in touch with a business. Simply put, it says ‘We don’t have time for you.’ When someone answers the phone with a happy and helpful attitude, it communicates exactly the opposite. Call centers help express the value your customers deserve when you don have the time.

What are the negative effects of not having a good call center?

Hiring a call center that provides inadequate service can cause numerous problems for your dealership. The whole point of hiring a call center is to improve your customer service, but a bad call center can actually make it worse, and damage your reputation with customers by dropping calls, and not adequately satisfying caller intent.

Why should dealerships care about having a strong phone presence?

For as many spam calls dealerships receive, there are still numerous, ready-to-buy customers who call in on a regular basis. Without a strong phone presence, those customers would be put on hold, or dropped, costing your dealership big money over time. A strong phone presence nurtures prospective customers into closed business.

call agents displaying automotive call center benefits

Automotive Call Center Benefits Your Dealership Can Leverage

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Walk into the service drive of a traditionally-modeled shop and, rather than hearing the quiet hum of customers and Service Advisors interacting, you hear phones—the sound of phones ringing and ringing, interrupting the Advisors as they try to work with the customers in the drive. This is where automotive call center benefits can make all the difference.

First Hand Call Center Experience

“My phones would ring off the hook in the morning. My service team was overwhelmed,” says Jim Bloedel, former Service Director of a large Milwaukee-area auto dealership. “Calls came in four, five, and six at a time when it was busy.” The challenge isn’t so much the noise, but what the unrelenting ringing represents. On the other end of each call is a prospective customer who needs Service work, often, as soon as possible. From the dealer’s perspective, each call has the potential to serve a customer, book a repair, sell a part, upsell a promotion, and enhance a customer’s loyalty. But those ringing phones come with a cost.

They divide the Service Advisor’s attention between the customers in the shop and the customers on the phone. This often compromises both customer face-time and the ability to efficiently schedule Service appointments. “I would routinely hear Service Advisors say, ‘Hey, my schedule is full,’” Bloedel recalls. So he was riveted when he attended a presentation that featured the practice of outsourcing a dealership’s BDC function.

The concept has since spread coast to coast, resulting in what can be characterized as a second group of dealerships: those whose Service drives are distinctly phone-ring-free.

Sold on the concept, Bloedel decided to outsource his BDC. “Now, I’m suddenly busy all day. There’s no mad rush in the morning and the phones aren’t ringing off the hook, so my guys have time to talk to my customers.”

Bloedel engaged Customer Traac to receive and manage incoming customer calls for Service and Parts and to schedule customer repairs directly on the dealership’s Service appointment calendar. In short order, the dealership noticed that available slots, from open to close, weekdays and weekends, were efficiently filling. And customers reported higher satisfaction with the service they received, too.

Each call has the potential to serve a customer, book an appointment, sell parts, upsell a promotion, and enhance a customer’s loyalty.

Reaping The Benefits Of An Experienced Automotive Call Center

call center benefits young entrepreneurs“Within 60 days we found an increase in repair sales. My customer satisfaction level went up because my people had more quality time to spend with our guests,” he says. “Here’s the big thing—my R.O. counts started to go up and I started to get more appointments mid-afternoon and Saturday because I’d taken control of my schedule away from my Service Advisors.”

The value of an outsourced BDC, coupled with Customer Traac’s approach to customer service, convinced Bloedel to join the company as a sales representative. During his tenure, increased dealership demand is reflected in the numbers: Customer Traac continued to expand its client base, serving dealerships across the country from its roots in Minnesota and Wisconsin.

There’s always risk in transferring an internal company function to an outside organization. However technology and training enable outsourced BDCs to operate seamlessly on behalf of their dealer clients.

In an outsourced arrangement, when a customer calls your Service Department, the call will initially be picked up by your representative, who then forwards the call to the outsourced call center. Alternatively, an auto-attendant can route calls directly to the call center, depending on the dealership’s preference.

By syncing up with your in-house scheduling and customer databases, the outsourced Service Representative has immediate access to everything they need to serve both you and your customer: available slots on your Service calendar (based on the nature of the needed repair); an estimated price (you can choose whether to provide this information on the initial call); the maintenance history of the caller’s vehicle; as well as any promotions your dealership is offering at the time of the call.

How Our Automotive Call Center Gets Results

The call center representative will ask for the customer’s name and phone number, allowing the representative to immediately find that customer’s information in your database. If it’s a new customer, we can add them to the system. That’s huge for the dealership, to have updated information. The conversation can then focus on the customer’s needs and schedule.

Representatives are trained to schedule the next available appointment for the customer, even if it’s late that same day or on the weekend. No longer does the Service Manager or Advisor control the schedule based on their (or the technicians’) personal needs.

From the customer’s standpoint, the person on the other end of the phone is a dealership representative with the job of getting their vehicle booked for Service and finished.

From the dealer’s perspective, the value proposition is simple: Does outsourcing its BDC result in a net financial gain and a better customer experience? Operationally, outsourcing a BDC can significantly reduce fixed labor costs and overhead while bringing modern-day efficiencies into a dealership’s Service drive. And if using an outsourced BDC nets just one additional appointment per day, he says, the service pays for itself each month.

Agents have access to your store’s Service schedule, as well as customers’ vehicle data, enabling them to fill your schedule and maximize shop loading. The upside, depending on how the Service team chooses to use its newfound time freedom, can be significant.

“When we take the pressure of the phone away from the service advisor, we give them back two to four hours of talk time every day,” Bloedel says. “This is time that can be used to improve the sales process, the greeting, the walk-around, the review, and service recommendations, all leading to increased revenue opportunities.”

An outsourced BDC can also contract with a dealership’s internal BDC to offer “backstop coverage”, automatically handling overflow calls that the internal BDC is unable to field. Having this coverage assures that you can handle rush periods, like that weekly Monday morning barrage of calls, knowing that you won’t drop calls or miss Service opportunities.

Years Of Call Center Experience, Backing Your Hard-Working Dealership

Three years ago, Berlin City Honda Nissan of Portland, Maine outsourced its BDC to Customer Traac, effectively routing approximately two thousand customer phone calls from its Service Department per month. “We wanted to make it a very easy customer experience,” says Nick Sansone, the dealership’s Service Director. “And when you have a call center that communicates as effectively and efficiently as Customer Traac has done for us, it certainly builds the value of who we are as an organization. We don’t feel like the Advisors have a phone in their ear the whole time. They’re not rushed. It lends more time for them to have that good one-on-one time with each customer.”

Ultimately, it’s about having the full force of a call center team to cover and consummate customer calls that could have otherwise been dropped. “When dropped calls are minimized, it keeps customers from falling through the cracks,” he says. “More appointments is what drives additional sales.”

It’s one sales dynamic in which quietude on-site belies a bustling business.

Frequently Asked Questions: 

What is the main benefit a dealership would get from hiring a call center?

By far the biggest benefit any dealership will get from hiring a call center is consistent, high-quality call service. When large quantities of calls start coming in it can be difficult to give each call the attention it deserves, especially when multiple come in at once. A Call center makes sure each customer gets the attention they deserve.

What are the risks involved with outsourcing a call center?

Hiring a call center does come with its risks, which makes it incredibly important you vet your call center before hiring them. Low-quality call centers are much more likely to drop calls or provide inadequate service while on the phone with your customer. Make sure you check customer reviews before hiring a call center.

How long will it take to get positive results from hiring a call center?

Hiring a call center can help lift much of the call-heavy burden of running a dealership within the first month of getting set up. As time goes on, processes should improve, allowing call centers to provide an even larger benefit to their respective dealerships. If you’re a dealership and think you need call support, we strongly recommend looking into hiring a call center.

Originally written by:
Jon Stone is a writer and digital communicator based in Minneapolis, Minnesota, whose work focuses on health care, manufacturing, and auto industry sectors.

This article was originally published in Fixed Ops Magazine.

Updated March 8, 2024.

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